Sunday 9 December 2012

The Android Phone!!!

Something I felt about the present day Android phone craze

In the present era of Android phones am reminded of the old black round dial telephones... The telephone model was named "Priyadharshini". Even redial facility was not there. But yet it was special. That time it was the only mode to connect to people far away. Those were the times when guests were home the phone used to be in one silent corner...

 These days with cell phones in our hand we tend to pay less attention to the ones who come and talk in person. We keep meddling with it often... It was considered to be insulting if you keep talking over phone when someone came home. Now meddling with the phone is called style!

I find the old model phone more stylish because it gave more importance to people. Am not saying technology is bad. It's essential and very important... The present generation (including me - of course) should learn one thing for sure. Your Android phone can wait for you, but the person who is coming to talk to you may go away. Please make sure you take your eyes off your phone when you drive it leads to accidents... You may hit and hurt someone and yourself physically. Please make sure you don't meddle with your phone when someone is talking to you because that's the least respect you can give to the person who has chosen you to talk to.

Even this is some kind of emotional accident. Here you hurt the other person emotionally. This doesn't mean you should not attend important calls or use your phone. You can very well tell the other person to excuse you for few seconds and continue with your best buddy - Android phone. Am not saying everyone does this but there are many who miss out these little things often...

Often we underestimate the kind of effect our actions can have on others... Do we pass along a little spark of love and humanity or do we pass up those opportunities and leave the world a little bit colder in the