In life you meet certain people who are just train friends
Now how I define this. Say you are going on a long journey the person next to you starts talking to you well. He cracks jokes makes you laugh and perhaps even say get to know you well
Now they do because
1. They are bored
2. They don't have their own circle of close friends around them
But when it's time to change seats or getting down you may even exchange numbers etc but they would disappear. They would meet others in the journey and be happy
You talk well but you need to realize that their talking to you in confined to the above 2 reasons
In the same way in life you will find train friends who claim to always keep those around them happy. Assess their statements and actions
1. They will talk sweetly when they need something from you
2. They will talk caringly when they are free
3. They will meet you or talk etc when they do not have their close friends around because simple they are bored
4. They do not enquire if they are busy and they know you are in trouble or hurting
5. They find it easy to ignore your communications on a constant basis because they don't really need you communicating at that point if time.
6. They really are too pre occupied that they can make you feel invisible on constant basis and you need to reach out to them to remind them that you are feeling low and want to talk to them etc
And other points left to readers imagination
But the main point I want to emphasise in this post is that one should realize that it is easy to be there when one is free but when someone is going through trouble if a person cares to find a little time to enquire that's what close friendship is all about.
We meet train friends in our life. They might claim to be your close friend at that point of time. They may claim to be consistent
But see whether you are only an option in their free time or whether they free their time once a while to ask how you are.
The problem and hurt starts when you take such train friends as close friends
It might hurt to recognise that you misjudged train friends as close friends
Wait to see delay judgement be silent. Truly close best friends can't see you hurting and ignore it without caring to say a word. They would amend their actions if they find that it had hurt you. They would care to leave a small word in midst of chaos to show they are there as moral support and make you believe that they are there with you when you are down. They would care to ensure you are safe.
But if you find they are train friends then be a train friend to them. Help them and care for them but don't take them close.
It's hard to realise train friends at later stage. Assess before you take anyone close.
If you realize later endure the pain
Remember person who is capable of hurting you would continue to hurt you. You should become immune to it
Leave it to time the best healer.
See if you are being a train friend to any who have considered you close and try to give your care and affection :):)